9/12/2017 Bulletin - Aftermarket Fuel Pumps Aftermarket fuel pumps manufactured by companies not associated with Volvo Penta are being sold online with references to the Volvo Penta name and part identification numbers. These fuel pumps are not Volvo Penta products, and they are potentially dangerous alternatives to Volvo Penta part number 21608511 and may adversely affect its operation, performance, or durability. Volvo Penta recommends the use of approved Volvo Penta products for the repair of Volvo Penta marine engines because Volvo Penta subjects its approved component parts to rigorous testing procedures, and it is unknown if these unapproved aftermarket parts have received similarly rigorous testing. The use of these non-Volvo Penta approved aftermarket parts in a Volvo Penta marine engine will void any applicable Volvo Penta Marine Gasoline Engine and Power Package Limited Warranty. Identification of a Genuine Volvo Penta Fuel Module Improved high volume water separating fuel filter SAE Certified water supply hose Fuel resistant fuel pressure test port Tamper resistant fasteners SAE J1171 certification label (USCG) Stampings on the high pressure pump Highly quality coating for ethanol fuel resistance Genuine Volvo Penta Advantage Designed and built to exacting requirements Each unit-100% factory tested 2 Year fitted parts warranty Meets Coast Guard requirements Made in the USA
Click the download below to read the service bulletin on using ethanol blended fuels with Volvo Penta engines.
Click the download below to read the service bulletin on storage requirements for Volvo fuel systems not being used for 30 days or more.